Monday, 12 October 2020

Updated versions now out for all 'Smell of Poo' and 'Beastly Bullies' stories!

2nd Edition updates for all Peter Allerton stories (including the Collection paperback) now available at your Amazon book store!

Dear Readers,

I am pleased to say that all Peter Allerton stories released so far have now been updated to 2020 'Second Editions'!

All of my books are now inscribed with '2nd Edition 2020' inside their front covers. Please note, if you don't have a Kindle, you can download this 'Kindle App Reader' to access them on any device. 

There is also a paperback version of 'The Smell of Poo' Collection and the 'Beastly Bullies' Collection will also be available in print very soon. You can find them here or in your own country's Amazon book store:

Click here for my UK Author Page

It's been over 5 years since I released my first eight stories (plus the 'Smell of Poo' Collection) and to be honest I was afraid to read them again until I finally found the time to edit and update each one. Thankfully, now that I've been able to return to writing, I've had the chance to spend the last month 'tweaking' them.

Mainly they have been updated to improve their prose and flow, including the paperback version. I was actually quite pleasantly surprised when reading them - there were a few surprises in there even for me and I wrote them! (my memory must be getting worse)

Click here for updated versions of all Peter Allerton books (Amazon US)

I probably still won't make time to finally start promoting them, at least not until I've written 'Peter and the Pet Catcher' - something I've been building up to all year (procrastination should be my middle name!).

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish every single one of my readers and visitors here the very best of luck in what has been a turbulent and challenging year for many people around the world.

I hope my books might at least provide a moment's escape for you.

Will be in touch soon about my new story as well as what I hope to be working on next year!

With love,


Monday, 7 September 2020

‘Peter and the Pet Catcher’ - Beastly Bullies Children's Story Book due for 2020!

‘Peter and the Pet Catcher’ - due for (late) 2020 release!

Apologies for the significant delay in the release of ‘Peter and the Pet Catcher’ - the final book in the ‘Beastly Bullies’ children’s story collection!

There’s only one thing worse than writer’s block, and that is not having the time to write..! Moving to a new place, starting a new job and doing my best to help my students with their learning was time consuming to say the least – so sadly I didn't have much time for my new favourite thing... writing!

I’m hoping now that I've scaled back my 'day job' I will have enough time to finally finish Peter’s terrifying (well, at least slightly scary) tale.

In the meantime, I wish you all well and hope that you’re enjoying the other books in the series, along with the ‘Smell of Poo’ stories:

The Smell of Poo Children's Book Collection

Doctor Gremlin and the Battle of the Brats

The League of Disgusting Gentlemen

Jack and the Wish Factory

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Whether you’re a writer, reader (young or old) or both, please feel free to explore the various pages via the links above.